Terri Clark

Congrats to Becky G.! Becky is our Monthly Music Memory winner for August! Becky’s story is about Terri’s song, “No Fear.”

“No Fear”

No Fear – I have tattooed on my upper arm. The lyrics behind the song I have tried to live by since you first recorded it. The line in the song that means the most to me is,

“And when I need two arms around me, And there’s no one near, When I’m alone let the only sound be, No fear.”

When I’m in fear for some reason, that lyric will pop into my head. It will help me realize I have no fear and that there’s nothing I can’t do or accomplish. I have been to every show you have done in Indianapolis, Indiana, and the surrounding area. I have shown you that tattoo on my arm and you seem to always remember me. You always thought that it was sweet what I had done and that you appreciated it.

Join the Hat Brats Club today to submit your own story of a favorite song. A new story and winner will be posted each month.